When people come and visit the winery I often explain how the fog hangs during the summer on the peaks just about a mile from the winery. This keeps the vineyard cool, even on sunny days and preserves good acidity in the grapes.
I took this picture about a mile from the winery on HWY 35 (on one of those peeks) on a day we were moving barrels from Big Basin. You can see the heavy fog. The temperature was about 58 degrees
You can see bright blue sky and the crewman is in short sleeves. It was about 78 degrees at this location, 20 degrees warmer than just a mile and a half away. This is one of the key things that makes Chaine d'Or such a great spot for grapes.
The next couple of pictures came from a hike at Calero. This little guy is a California Alligator lizard. It was late on the trail, about 8 PM so he was moving slow.
Stef couldn't resist picking him up. It was a busy critter day on the trails, we saw deer, wild turkey, dozens of moles, hawks and turkey vultures.
And the last random picture from Amber's birthday party. I think my favorite wine was the 2005 Karl Lawrence to Kalon Cabernet Sauvignon. The Latour was from 1995 and was also really great. No sucky wines in the group!
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